FAQ’s Table Seating

Tips for your best seating!

Seating Chart Tips

  • You need 3 feet per person to sit comfortably.
  • You can have assigned seating two ways: assign people to a specific table but let them choose their seat or assign them specific seats by putting their place cards at each seat.
  • Give each table a name or number.
  • Seat couples next to each other on circular tables and opposite from each other on long tables.
  • Make sure to leave enough room—48″ preferred, and 36″ as a bare minimum—between tables for people to walk to the bathroom or for servers to move around.
  • Round tables are easiest for servers to move around and they maximize guest interaction.
  • Chair backs should be about 2 to 3 feet apart.
  • Make sure to leave room for any event specific items such as a buffet table, the head table, check-in table, plants, props, DJ stand, lectern, and projector screen as applicable.